Royal Government of Bhutan

  • H.E. Gem Tshering, Minister, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.  (Chairman)
  • Dasho Karma Tshering, Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.
  • Ms Leki Wangmo, Secretary, Ministry of Finance.
  • Dasho Phub Rinzin, Dzongdag, Dzongkhag Administration, Wangduephodrang.
  • Mrs. Tshering Wangmo, Director, Department of Immigration, Ministry of Home Affairs, RGoB

Government of India

  • Shri Anurag Agarwal, Special Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of External Affairs.
  • Shri Anurag Srivastava, Joint Secretary (North), Ministry of External Affairs.
  • Shri Mohammad Afzal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power.
  1. B) Member Secretary
  • Shri Sanjeev Kumar Yadav, Managing Director, Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority.
  1. C) Permanent Invitees
  • Ambassador of India to Bhutan.
  • Ambassador of Bhutan to India.
  • Member (D&R), Central Water Commission, Government of India.
  • Member (Hydro), Central Electricity Authority, Government of India.
  • Dy. Advisor (Energy), NITI Aayog.
  • Managing Director, Druk Green Power Corporation, Royal Government of Bhutan.
  • Director, Department of Hydropower & Power Systems, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.
  • Chief Executive Officer, Bhutan Power Corporation, Royal Government of Bhutan.
  • Jt. Managing Director, Punatsangchhu Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA)
  • Director (Technical), Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA)
  • Director (Finance), Punatsangchhu Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA)
  1. II) Technical Co-ordination Committee(TCC)
  • Member (Hydro), Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Government of India (Chairman)
  • Member (D&R), Central Water Commission (CWC), Government of India (Co-Chairman)
  • Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) Wapcos Limited. (Convener)
  • Director General/Specialist, Department of Geology & Mines (DGM), Royal Government of Bhutan
  • Director General/Director, Department of Hydropower & Power Systems (DHPS), Royal Government of Bhutan
  • Managing Director, Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC), Royal Government of Bhutan
  • Managing Director, Punatsangchhu Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA)
  • Jt. Managing Director, Punatsangchhu Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA)
  • Under Secretary (Bhutan), Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.
  • Engineer Officer to Hon’ble Chairman, Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority (PHPA)

III) The Management

  • Managing Director
  • Joint Managing Director
  • Director (Technical)
  • Director (Finance)
  1. IV) Consultants

WAPCOS Limited, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India.
Their Associates:

  1. Central Water Commission (CWC), Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India
  2. Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power, Government of India
  3. Geological Survey of India (GSI), Ministry of Mines, Government of India
  4. Central Water & Power Research Station (CWPS), Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India
  5. Central Soil & Materials Research Station, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India